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Ruleshead.jpg (14630 bytes)

Rules Revisions
- Self-explanatory
Dragon's Breath- Rants
The World of Scrite- Personal Campaign World. There are already a billion of these on the Internet. I seriously doubt I will make any headway on this except when I start making the world on NeverwinterNights' Solstice Toolset.
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5/2/99- AD&D Rules Hospital Volume 1- addrev1.html
5/9/99- AD&D Rules Hospital Volume 2- addrev2.html
5/14/99- White Wold Rules Hospital Volume 1- wwrev1.html
7/19/99- AD&D Saving throw modifications- savemod1.html 
8/14/99- Points and Pointers and a Weapon That Learned to Talk- addon1.html
10/21/99- AD&D Rules Hospital Volume 2- addrev3.html

Dragons_Breath.jpg (9576 bytes)
5/9/99- The similarity of PCs to sexual partners- rant1.html
8/18/99- Forget the Realms, an Argument against Forgotten Realms- rant2.html
4/6/00- Diablo means "devil," dammit!- rant3.html- NEW!
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This empty right now; hold your pegasi, and don't get your codpiece in a ruffle.