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Warrior Monk

First, I wrote this two years ago, at the frail age of 16 (as opposed to my new, enlightened, mature self), so bear with me. Obviously this does not jibe too well with the rules I have in the Rules Revisions section, so there will probably be a supplement for those of you who want to use those rules. But probably not too. The rules I wrote are very portable, and this should convert just as well as any other class. Kly-re is the name of the martial art and its practioners. The proper way to spell Kly-ré has an acute accent over the "e," as I have each time in this passage. I am too lazy to go through and change every single "e," so I'm just letting you know here. It is pronounced KLY (As is "fly")- ray (as in "pay".)

The Kly-ré and his art

The Kly-re class makes the most sense and is the most balanced in the Dark Sun world. One of its defining characteristics is the lack of psionic abilities on Athas. If you or your GM want to move the Kly-re to Sigil, Toril, or Krynn, then you need to think of something to supplant the psionics disabilities.

The theme of the class is a hybrid of the 1st edition Oriental Adventures monks and the 2nd Ed. psionicist; in many ways Kly-re is a highly specialized version on the psychometabolism discipline. Again, when reading, it is important to remember that the class was intended for play in a Dark Sun campaign.

Ability Score Requirements

Str 13
Dex 16
Con 14
Wis 12
Int 10

Restrictions and Class Starting Info.

Must be lawful; if the Kly-re loses his lawful alignment status, then he mostly all his abilities as a Kly-re. He can return to his former alignment and start the path over from level 1 if he so desires. Otherwise, he retains the thieving skills and begins uses the thief combat chart at his equivalent level.
Races allowed: Humans, Elves, .5 Elves, muls, Athasian dwarves, and, if you want to take it into other places, githzerai and tieflings, genasi, and aasimar. I don't believe in level limits, so I'll let you figure it out.
A Kly-re loses all special abilities when he holds a weapon or is using armor or a shield. When the weapon, armor, or shield is discarded, his abilities cannot be used for (1d20 rounds)- the level of the Kly-re.
The Kly-re loses all AC benefits, the ability to Infuse, and unnatural life preservation during any time when he wears passive magical items. Any permanency added to damage is also lost.

If the Kly-re is using/wearing active magical items, then all special abilities are negated entirely until he discards them. The abilities return after (1d20 turns)- the level of the Kly-re.

Kly-re have given up the ability to use all psionic abilities.
  • Gains levels as a paladin/ ranger
  • Gains hit points as a priest.
  • THAC0 Progression as a warrior.
  • Climb Walls, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, and Backstab as per Table 19 in the DMG.
  • Saving throws of priests.
  • Priest, Rogue and Psionicist nonweapon proficiencies. They gain proficiencies as a priest and receive a bonus unarmed combat weapon proficiency when they begin (as per tracking for a ranger). Kly-re can never be proficient in any weapon. 

# Attacks Progression

Level No./AT Techniques/Round
1-4 3/2 1
5-8 2/1 2
9-12 5/2 2
13-16 5/2 2
17-20 3/1 3

Kly-re started in the arena at Draj, when a group of gladiators sought the most suitable way to alleviate their circumstances without risking the consequences of escape. The practice started with just five people- four warriors and a psionicist, and when people saw the unique, effective style of the gladiators who used the art, it gained a small degree of popularity. Of course, the requirements of the path are just as much mental as they are physical, and it takes someone a breed apart to follow the path of the Kly-re. Very few templars or sorceror kings are aware of the potence of the art, although the SK of Urik has heard the word and invested limited interest in these "pseudo-psionicist."

The art revolves around the idea of harnessing the tangible energy around the Kly-re and funneling through himself in many manifestations. As he advances, he becomes more adept at channeling his own energy and the energies around him. He strikes with skill and precision, more concerned about discretion and efficiency than brute force (That was so trite). All the Kly-re's restrictions reflect the idea of self-sufficience and becoming more adept at mastering yourself and your own circumstances within your environment. Thus the Kly-re cannot use weapons, armor, or magic items without penalty. Okay, enough of the origins and stuff, and on with the tables and such.

Special Abilities

The Kly-re's abilities earned as he advances are as follows:

  • Starting at level 2, the personal energies around the Kly-re begin to calcify, and physically with his environment. His AC descends by one point every other level until level 10, at which point it begins to descend by one point every other level.
  • At 4th level, the Kly-re gets the ability to gather energy and release it into a tangible attack. Gathering the energy takes one round. The Kly-re release the blast in a white, firy stream that begins at the Kly-re's forehead. The attack does 1d8 damage per level of the Kly-re. After the Kly-re "infuses", he is instantly struck into a coma for a number of days equal to his level. The Kly-re has no control over the amount of damage done. This attack is useless on creatures of Low intelligence or worse, and similarly useless on creatures with supragenius (19-20) level intelligence characters.
  • Every 4th level, the Kly-re gets a +1/+1 bonus to damage and ability to hit. This continues until he reaches +4/+4 at level 16.
  • At level 5, the Kly-re gains major access to the sphere of Cosmos as a level 1 priest. He advances as a normal priest until level 13.
  • At 12th level, the Kly-re's ignores idiosyncrasies, such as gravity, with whatever wall he is scaling. He must still roll, but steepness, slickness, large protrusions, etc. have no effect on the roll; the Kly-re always rolls his base ability score, and only once per surface. If the gravity changes drastically, i.e. wall to ceiling, vice versa, then another roll must be made. As a side effect of this, if something calls for a falling check, as per the surface of Avernus (the 1st layer of Baator), it is assumed that the Kly-re made the roll.
  • At 1st level, the Kly-re's energies are more potent than a normal persons. Punching and kicking damage is dealt through 1d4, and the damage is 50% permananent. At 10th level, the damage becomes 100% permanent. Every ten levels, the Kly-re moves up one die of damage.
  • At 16th level, the Kly-re's body begins to use the energies around it to sustain itself, and all aging ceases. The are no rejuvenatory effects; aging merely ceases.
  • At 17th level, the Kly-re loses the need to eat.
  • At 18th level, the Kly-re's body manages its own condition with supremacy. The Kly-re no longer sweats or produces odors.
  • At 19th level, the Kly-re loses the need to drink.
  • At 20th level, the Kly-re loses the need to breathe.

Special Techniques

Kly-re learn specialized combat maneuvers instead of specific weapons. Each technique uses a weapon proficiency slot, and two nonweapon proficiency slots can be converted to one special technique. Nonweapon proficiency slots gained from high Intelligence may not be used in this manner.

Name of technique Description Applicable Roll
Adhesive By making the skin partially malleable, the Kly-re can perform this fantastic maneuver. Make the check first. If the check succeeds, then the Kly-re's skin has adjusted and become elastic. Then an attack roll must be made to attempt to "accidentally" run into the opponent's weapon. The check must be made on a round in which the Kly-re is successfully attacked by his opponent. If both events are in sync, then the opponent's weapon is caught in the Kly-re's skin. The Kly-re gets a +3 to hit, and the opponent cannot remove his blade until he has made a successful attack and Strength check. Dex -2
Disarm Nothing fancier than moving to disarm the foe. Attack roll if check succeeds. Str -1
Dispatch Through intense focus, the Kly-re can attain double damage with a -2 check, and triple with a -6 check. If the check fails, the Kly-re does half-damage. Str -2 or Str -6
Elemental Assault When the Kly-re attacks, he may say beforehand that he is using this technique and forfeiting all actions that round; when this technique is used, the Kly-re inflicts 1d10 damage extra of fire, electricity, or cold. Str -1
Elemental Shield With this technique, the Kly-re can gather energy around him into a solid force barrier, doubling his AC for the duration of the round in which it is used. This is the only action possible in the round it is used. Wis
Energy Edge The kinetic energy around the Kly-re's foot or fist, and the appendage acts as a slashing weapon, inflicting 100% damage, and making the wound bleed (1 hp/round) on a natural 20. Str -1
Freneticism The Kly-re's AC drops to half its normal level, and the Kly-re can act twice as often as normal for two rounds. In the third round, the Kly-re still suffers the debilitated AC, but can take no combat actions besides movement (at half the normal rate) and parrying. Wis -1
Inertia The Kly-re disable gravity and friction around his own space as he chooses (so he can still walk), thus every movement is continued until something counteracts it directly (like, say, a hammer.) or the ability begins to fail. This drastic alteration of nature takes its toll on the Kly-re, and an additional negative is added to the check for every additional round this ability is in effect. Dex -2
Jump By using this ability, the Kly-re can jump 10' in the air per slot dedicated to it. The next round, the Kly-re can attempt to make a jumping kick at an enemy who is at most half the distance  of the jump away from the Kly-re horizontally. Falling damage still applies (unless the kick succeeded), and it is up to the individual player to decide how to attend to the end result of a thirty foot drop. Str -1
Minor Infusion Kly-re can inflict 1d8 per day per slot dedicated to this ability. If the limit is surpassed by one, the Kly-re goes into a coma for a number of days equal to half the number of slots he has dedicated to this ability.. Int -1
Nervous Diversion (ability was removed because it was a little too powerful. If enough people ask for it, I will put it in, but the fact that 1st level characters should have access to these skills made me wary of giving out this ability.) Dex
No Pain The Kly-re can ignore the damage he has taken to put him past 0 with this ability. For every combat round that this ability is in use, the character must make a Con check. If it succeeds, the character proceeds as normal; if it fails, the character starts losing HP, and if the optional death's door rules are not being used, he dies. If the character is not in the stress of combat, then he makes the check every turn. Wis -1
Redistribute Senses With this ability, the Kly-re can eliminate one sense and place its function into another organ, seeing through the ears, hearing through the skin, etc. The DM should be creative about the results of this. The character can also use this ability to negate one sense entirely and square the effectiveness of another. Con -1
Refraction Calling energy to reflect light rays as they are about to hit him, the Kly-re become totally invisible as long as he is completely still and maintaining this ability. Only a being with true seeing will be able to detect the character; detect invisibility will NOT work. Dex -3