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In Association with


Owehead.jpg (15856 bytes)
This section is dedicated to all the people I owe mention, whether for their contributions, their artwork, or a heavy influence. Thank you, wiseasses; it is not empty because I don't owe anyone. It is empty because I have not put down what I need to yet. Hold on.

Tony Diterlizzi-
This is the place I got most of the badass images in the main banner at the top. Besides, if you haven't visited it yet, then you should, because this guy is Le Dieu d'Arte as far as fantasy goes. Check out his stuff in the Planescape Monstrous Compendium Appendix I.

Baldur's Gate-
You may recognize the skull in the bottom right of the banner, yes? Great game. Play it. On the same issue, a great source of BG info (since I don't have my Links up yet), is I go there at least once a day. You should too.

I think this is the catch-all for some of my images. TSR made AD&D. I know the imagesare AD&D related, and I liked how they looked, but don't know who is legally responsible for them.  So since they appear on TSR's books, then it is to TSR that I send you. Poof, be gone.

Blackjack's Shadowrun Page-
Okay, so everyone I've talked to in my dorm has said this site bears no resemblance to Mr. Hagerty's, but I know I patterned it after him and took a lot of his advice as far as design goes (Although he might eschew my propensity for images), so I felt obliged to give him a credit. If you see him, tell him to update.

The Dice Tales-
This is the neat page where I got the lists in the humor section. It's funny, but I've already got all the best stuff on my page already. Nonetheless, I took material from here, and if you want to see where I got it, then there's the link. 

The Knights of Furnundy-
This is the page from which I stole the 3e FAQ. Rather specialized material, but if you live in Michigan, check it out.

I am sure other stuff will come up, so if you see something here that offends you, then let me know, and I will try to give credit where credit's due. Thanks.

 Paradise Screwed is the intellectual property of and a copyright of Thompson Plyler, but if you read it carefully enough, you might decide that it should be a copyright of Steve Jackson Games