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I have taken the 3rd ed. page down. Most of the crap I was getting was becoming redundant anyway. However, I have not left you high and dry. If you want to know anything about 3e, and I mean anything, then go the following page:

Eric Noah's 3rd Edition Page

Eric Noah has the best 3e site on the web, bar none. Do him and yourself a favor and visit it.

Here is a link to the 3e FAQ.

Much of what I know, I have gleaned from the D&D Mailing List and Forums. Head to my section of excerpts from both to find out more that I may have felt was more appropriate for that section, since this section is supposed to be about approximate facts regarding 3e.

From Keith Strohm
Dungeon Magazine will print only 3rd Edition adventures after August of

Keith Strohm
Tabletop RPG Business Manager
Wizards of the Coast